If you don’t know, ask – if you know, share! ~ opensource mindset
by Marco Bravo
Kubernetes was founded to help developers ship and scale their applications.
Containers package your application and everything it needs to run. This includes any application dependencies or files and the runtime environment for your application.
Containers, as the name suggests, are portable. You can spin up containers in different environments and different infrastructure.
Kubernetes is a tool used to orchestrate containers and manage them. Container platforms also help build, deploy, and manage your containers.
The future of technology will involve easy to use tools and platforms built on top of Kubernetes for developers to develop and deploy code quickly. With this in mind, it’s useful to understand proper Kubernetes terminology and concepts, even if you’re not provisioning or deploying your applications as a developer. To learn more about container-native application development consider checking out Twelve-Factor Apps. If you are interested in learning more Kubernetes concepts check out this post.
You can consult also k8s documentation.
tags: developer - kubernetes - k8s - deploy