If you don’t know, ask – if you know, share! ~ opensource mindset
by Marco Bravo
Time-saving shortcuts for a commonly used open source tool.
$ ssh-keygen
This will create a key-pair (a public and private key) in ~/.ssh/. Keep the private key (id_rsa) on the PC and never share it. You can share the public key (id_rsa.pub) with others or place it on other servers.
$ ssh-copy-id pi@
You can use this to give yourself (or others) access to a computer or server by importing their keys from GitHub.
$ ssh-import-id gh:bennuttall
Give someone else access to a server without asking them for their keys:
$ ssh-import-id gh:waveform80
Storm helps you add SSH connections to your SSH config, so you don’t have to remember them all. You can install it with pip:
$ sudo pip3 install stormssh
Then you can add an SSH connection to your config with the following command:
$ storm add pi3 pi@
You can list, search, and edit saved connections easily using Storm’s documentation. All Storm actually does is manage items in your ssh config file at ~/.ssh/config.
tags: opensource - tools - ssh - key - management